
Wednesday 3 December 2014

The Zebra in the Mead Hall

I suppose you could say I am lucky. I am generally at the light end of EDSery which gets called hypermobility syndrome.
Although i get a lot of pain a lot of the time my joints tend to sublux rather than dislocate and they relocate relatively easily.
This is a blessing believe me. Other nembers of my zebra whoop (or flange) get frank dislocations and regular ambulance rides to play tug of war in A and E. I just get invisible problems.
And I get days off.
Teusday was such a day. I could walk with no stick and my joints did what I asked. Colleagues said how much better I was getting. Tralala.
Then yesterday I woke up and my shoulders were not just normally ouchy they were both subluxed. So was my lumbar spine. And my ribs were extremely bad. With ribs I never really thought they had joints but it sure feels subluxy. So i could barely hold my stick, i couldnt lift my arms above nipple height, sitting was painful and i could only walk in the fixed stance normally used when you have shit yourself and wish to prevent trouserleg escape.
My physio was very short as I couldnt do much with no shoulders.
I should not complain. I got a day off.
But all it did was illustrate for me what my body should be capable of. Just when I get used to being limited, being a cripple, I get a reminder that I am supposed to be a fit man in my prime.
I think it is better not to know what the sun is than to have one day of warmth then go back to the dungeon.

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