
Friday 10 July 2015

The only way to win is cheat And lay it down before I'm beat And to another give my seat

So today
So down. Typing through tears. Every time i stop i weep. Keep tweeting and doing jkbs. And stuff.
Packed a small bag in case ii need to go to hospital. Put it in car.
Rang idt. Duty worker mouthed platitudes at me. Appointment monday. But it will not help. Nothing does.
Doctor gave me zopiclone.
Want it to end


  1. inky it is dreadful. I have had deep depressions, so bad I couldn't get out of bed or wash or dress. All I can say is that the dark times did end. I just lay in bed doped with diazepam and waited.

    The professionals cannot get inside your head and remove the dark stuff. But hopefully you can 're-engage' once the issue with Dr Awful is sorted out and she's off your case completely. Then you can get better support.

    The priority is to stay safe. Ideally, declare any stash/es of medication that could be mis-used in a moment of desperation and hand them over to someone else, so temptation is not in your way.

    Keep Tweeting - I'll try not to be annoying. Lots of love, Cathy xxx

  2. I remain completely impressed by Spock's ability to keep things going. I've been reading the blog frequently, and if it is any help, I am willing you to succeed.

    I have to say well done in your battle with the mental health services. It may be a small victory, but small victories are progress. Keep grinding 'em down.

    All the very best,


  3. By this point, getting yourself sectioned might be the most responsible thing you can do. Best of luck lovely horse, stay in touch if you can. xxx

    1. They set the bar very high for sectioning Percy - even I have only managed to do it once. And it is very much preferable to be a voluntary patient. Also many psych hospitals are at near to 100% occupancy rates, so finding a vacant bed close to home is totally hit and miss.

      I'd like inky to stay at home but STAY SAFE. I refused to hand over my surplus meds once. I took them all the next day. I assume that inky's CMHT has a crisis/urgent care team - perhaps a referral to them might be best?

      Inky, best love and keep Tweeting - that way I know you are still alive and kicking. Though preferably not more arguments about the evidence base for mindfulness please!!!! I don't think I can take another verbal kicking like that. ♥

  4. Fair point, I think I'm lucky that I live so close to a big crisis centre - When I need to be locked up for my own good, I usually can be.

    Either way Inky, know you're loved and that we're all here being semi-imaginary on the internet and hoping you're all right.

  5. Love you loads Inky.

    Incidentally on the tweeting front, Cathy sez there's more solid evidence for NLP than the moon landing and that the Shannara series has far more originality than anything Tolkien rattled off.

    1. Some people just LOVE to stir up trouble don't they? Shameful behaviour. Tsk. NLP is actually one of my bug-bears along with MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity) and its foul spawn Electrosensivity.

      I did actually think Tolkien's fantasy world was true when I was around 10/12, and that I would go to Middle Earth when I died. I was shattered when I worked out that it probably wasn't going to be that way.

      Keep in touch inky. xxxxx

  6. Inky
    Am back in uk now, caught up with your blog. Well done on your successful complaint, but you shouldn't have had to bloody make it in the first place.
    Sorry to read things are still bleak for you. Sending you warmest wishes, for what they're worth.
