
Sunday 12 July 2015

you gotta know when to hold em,

I am surprised to be where I am today.
Last night I engineered mrsinky and Foal to go out so that i could be alone.  I have been catastrophically, almost catatonically depressed and only functioning on a very basic level.  So I was expecting a downturn and then...well I have my hospital bag packed.  Or I have my pills.  Either way I expected to be somewhere else.
When it cae down to it I didnt swing down that hard.  it was rough but not that rough.
Today, of course, is different.
Today I can feel the black lurking in the wings.  I am feeling week, and tearful.  I dont want to go outside.  I dont want to leave the room.


  1. The pills are an evil temptation. Please hand them over to someone else for safe-keeping.

  2. Pfft! Stay in for a bit then, nowt wrong with staying in your room for a few days. Hold hands with unreal friends on the internet, correct pillocks on line, whatever you need. Give the good drugs to a responsible grown-up though.

    1. *Waves hand in the air* 'Me me. I volunteer to be the online pillock. It comes naturally.'
