
Monday 13 July 2015

De profundissimiss

Yesterday I was so low that I had to leave the gym in case someone who knew me saw me and wanted to talk. I couldn't go to normal shop for the same reason.  Fridays crisis resulted in an appointment today which I have been hanging on to like a talisman. Remember the IDT gave both PALS and the complaints department assurances that Dr snidearse  would not be involved in my care?
So I go in this morning and the first thing they say is that she will be. Directly the opposite of what they told PALS etc.
So I walked out. Am on a bench outside. Have nowhere else to go. Have called PALS but what good that will do I know not.


  1. In a and e wait for assessment

  2. WHAT? She was THERE? Heads must roll for this one, Inky.
    Well done for getting yourself to a&e.

  3. Only just back from short breaking bird-watching and spending agonised hours in the hotel toilet with horrendous food poisoning. Not the most relaxing holiday!

    But inky, utterly dismayed to hear this. Will try to follow your updates to see how you are now.
