
Thursday 6 November 2014

Mow mow mow your boat

The groves of academe can be pleasant. This morning l had to give an early lecture on entropy, which is always a fun subject. I mean what could be more fun than the end  of the universe?
But I started off with plugging my movember campaign . Its horrible to think that of all the handsome bright men in the lecture room roughly four will kill themselves . EDS is well known for being linked to depression . Constant pain, disability, poisoned genes etc. will do that to you.
Support groups help of course BUT ...
EDS mainly affects women. The support .groups can feel like hen parties. ..
Men are bad at sharing weakness at the best of times. But for many  showing weakness in front of a woman is impossible.
l am doing movember for the depressed suicidal zebra males out there. l am up to 8 suicide attempts sofar. l don't really want more. Movember is not Just about balls and prostrates it is also about Mental Health. So I am becoming a walrus for madness.
I have had a beard for 3 years. In that time I have lost 70 Kg So l look different. My neice says I look like House. My wife says I look like Dr. Who. l think I look old. Ho Hum.
In other news I have a cold and my Joints are on fire. Left hip is particularly bad as is right wrist. My shoulder dislocated whilst doing sit-ups in last nights physio. And it keeps snowing.

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