
Thursday 15 January 2015

Things are darkest...

I haven't been completely forthcoming about the last few days, because I am still struggling to find ways to express the problem.  As far as I can tell there is no way to deal with it.

4 years ago I was in a secure job at a crap university, and deeply miserable.  It really was hell, for many reasons.  Then an old friend rang me and asked if I would work for him abroad.  Permanent contract , but what appeared as a demotion.  Excellent university.  And he would give me funding support to do my own work. I said yes.

As it turned out I have a limited term contract, he has never given me funding support.

He has repeatedly got me to apply for funding on my own.  Previously I was turned down because the work was seen as his.( it isnt) This time we included a letter from him saying that it was all mine.

The granting body rejected me saying I was too inexperienced to run a grant.  I was a Senior Lecturer for 7 years, had an industrial position where i ran a team of 9 people and actually run a good deal of the work here.  But I am not experienced enough.

What it actually means is that they will not grant funding to someone with my job title, regardless of who they are.

So now I have no options left for research funding.  This makes me want to die.


  1. Lots of sympathy for the Lone Horse Zebra.

    Research funding: Do you know anyone to collaborate with in Bergen at the university or university hospital? They very recently got a new gift of 1000 M Nkr to a local foundation supporting work at those institutions.

    Or dare you go to the Gates' foundation and propose medical related microfluidics? You may have a sorely tried heart but faint I don't believe it is.

  2. I have tried Gates before, back when i was in Liverpool. No dice then but there are many possible applications.
    Bergen? hmmm, nobody i know there but i can always write on spec...
