
Thursday 11 May 2017

Sorry. Been a while

You may have noticed a gap.
This has been a year I would dearly like to have to do over again. I got so many things wrong. There have been good things really there have. But generally I messed them up very badly indeed.
I last blogged about my life just before xmas 15. So that's a reasonable place to start. I'm going to then try to summarise a very precious and difficult period in my next post. I really am trying to get things back on track.
I was on my own in the house. Foal spent the xmas end of the holiday with Mrsinky.
Poor man I hear you think. All alone xmas day.
Well no. It was quite simply the happiest xmas I can ever remember.
I've hated xmas with a passion since I was about 6. All I remembered of xmas was mum stressing out about food. And shouting. And parties full of people that went on too long where I didn't know the facial expressions to use or when to look pleased or what to talk about. As I got older this got harder and harder.
By the time I was 10 I was cooling xmas dinner. I banned my mum from the kitchen and cooked it. Because I could do it without stress or shouting or drama all of which was making me ill.
And I've been cooking it ever since.
After I was married for a while we had xmas dinner with Mrsinky at her mum's. Which involved her mum (who I call The Hutt) shouting and being stressed and drama. Which made me ill. The second year of this (the year that tsunami happened) her mum hadn't even started prep by 11am and was shouting so I banned her from her kitchen and cooked it. When she turned her nose up at my perfect pan made gravy because it was light brown not the colour of old tea and then ate my turkey dinner slathered in beef Bisto it was the last straw. She also never said thanks.
Thereafter I had a house and determined I would never eat xmas dinner except in my own house.
So we had the Hutt and her mate round every year.
Both the Hutt and Mrsinky are eaters so picky that I regard it as an eating disorder. So the menu was set for the main from the start. Had to be turkey (I prefer goose) also had to have Yorkshire pudding which I think is odd. And they had to be round. One year for a change I cooked square ones in mini brownie tins and even though they were identical to the round ones they would not eat them.
The only thing I could change was the starter. Except the second year of doing this I made the error of cooking a chicken liver paté. The Hutt liked it. And ordered me to do it every year afterwards. Sooo bored of it. Yes it was good but still. Then after 7 years of paté the Hutt complained that she ate so much paté she couldn't finish dinner so could I do another starter but still do the paté so she could have it with the traditional cold tea in the evening.
So double the work rather than control the gluttony.  Nice.
Also despite me saying we do presents after lunch they were continually trying to drag me out of the kitchen to do it before lunch. Then complaining when lunch was delayed.
Also when they asked when to arrive I would say 11....and they would come at 9.  Until I threatened to put the chain on the door till 11.
As an Aspie I can do social for about 2 hours before I start to freak. They would be in the house for around 12hrs. I used to go upstairs "to the loo" and sneak into bed fir a couple of hours. Just for a break.
So xmas 15...
I got a small goose from lidl. I cooked it how I like it. I did only things I liked. I had a bottle of champagne with it and a bottle of Bowmore for the evening.
No decorations.
No fuss
No shouting
No ridiculous tantrums.
It was quiet contemplative heaven.
I was nearly not alone. I had grindr on and there was a guy next village over who was also recently alone and in distress. I kept chatting and repeatedly offered him food and shelter. In the end he said chatting was enough.
But there you go. Xmas alone was simply marvelous. 


  1. I've been wondering what you were up to and how you were getting on, having checked in here a few times (TP tipped me off about this one): nice to hear from you again.

    Yay for Christmas without any external interference! We've ong just kept it to the 2 of us, after I got totally pissed off with other folk pillocking around and threatened to just get in my car and drive in whichever direction it was pointing and not come back for a week.

    What happened with the rest of the Cape Wrath expedition?

  2. Great to hear from you Inky, glad to hear you're still getting on with life, and am looking forward to hearing what last year was like. All the best for everything.

