
Wednesday 15 April 2015

Safe in my own words, learning from my own words Cruel joke,

Reason notwithstanding, the universe continues unabated.

I am running out of bottom.  Actually I have a bottom the size of Brazil but I mean emotionally and lifewise.

Avid readers will remember that my wife of 11 years asked for a divorce.  That was on a Saturday IIRC.  I spent a few days pleading, and then another mourning.  And then I thought "pick yourself up, dust yourself off, start all over again"  so I rang my boss to find out about a back to work plan.

Things at work had been strained for a very long time.  He has no idea of how much shit I tidy up for him without him having to deal.  Much of that shit is generated by his lack of organisation.  And this is me saying it.  All he sees is me not there at 9 am. I have a medical note for flexitime and I also always put in more hours than on the contract. The 9am thing matters to him because he wants to be able to pop in first thing and dump surprise work on people.  For me that is very disruptive.

Anyway the upshot of the phonecall was stay off sick because you will not have a job to come back to.

So, no wife, no job.

Still living in the same house as wife, and generally things are amicable.  But I am dying inside.  Last night she was upset with me for reasons I didn't really understand (remember I don't do social cues so I may be in the wrong and not know it.) She has made it plain that a marriage is not going to work, not in the normal sense. I am not going into details but what she said has made me hate me so much.

Before xmas I had a job, a wife, we were trying for a baby.

Now I have...a tattoo. This process is like someone taking a knife and cutting away everything I valued or self identified as and making me loathe what remains and the mess the process makes. Every night I pray I will not wake up, that I can just die in my sleep. That undiscovered country from whose bourne no traveller returns would be most welcome.

I go through the motions.  I sent out a cv.  I am thinking of getting a dog.  In my idle moments I think of getting  a bivvi tent and some second hand kit and just walking somewhere.  anywhere.

A lifetime ago I did intensive group therapy at a place called the Red House.  I then finished my PhD, got a variety of jobs, found a girl, settled down, I wanted to so I married, and I thought I was going to grow old and be happy.  But it turns out that who I was was incompatible with that.  So 20 years later I find myself in the same place, suicidal, alone, hurting, no job, no partner, no soul-mate, pretty soon no family.  the last time this happened I was still fairly young. Rebuilding a life from nothing didn't seem such a fools errand.  This time I feel like life has just finished with me.  I cannot go through all that again.  Back then I had friends.  My marriage got rid of all of them, they are strangers to me now, with lives of their own.  Here I have mrsinkys friends. And I cannot ask them to choose.  It is clear when I talk to them she feels hurt so I shall stop doing that soon.

I can either accept the mixed metaphor and do a caligula against the sea of troubles, or oppose.

The psychiatrist has me on daily visits to make sure I am still breathing.

In other news last night I fainted in the bathroom.  This follows a day of joint hell and a serious sublux in the swimming pool.

How many more hints do I need?


  1. Inky I have not walked in your shoes, and it may be that my comments are unwelcome.

    But I am just wanting to express sympathy and to say that it's not really the case that "pretty soon no family". You have Foal, you will always have Foal, and she will always need you, whether you live in the same house or not.

    I am extremely glad to hear that you are being checked daily. That is quite proportionate a response.

    Cathy xxxx

  2. Hallo dear boy,

    First, I'm glad they've got you visiting the therapist daily, it's shit, but it's safe. It sounds like they're taking you seriously and are going to actually try helping - That's one win, right?

    Really worried that you feel that Mrsinky has "ownership" so to speak of all your friends - She's allowed to leave you, but she's not allowed to forbid you from contacting your shared friends - Even if it's a forbid by passive-aggressive "Oh I'm sad when you speak to our friends". No. If they like you, and want to talk to you, and you want to talk to them, talk to them, even if it's just of the banal "Hey, look at this border collie I might adopt" level of talking. You're not the curator of Mrsinky's feelings - If you doing something unrelated to her upsets her, then that's her cross to bear.

    (This is a thing that I get tetchy about - I had an ex who did his best to isolate me from all of my friends first, then after we broke up he would cry and scream and throw things if I spoke to "his" friends. Thankfully, some of "his" friends quickly saw that he was a narcissistic brat, and I was a decent bloke who invited them over to play cars and eat curry. But the way that he had framed it, they were "his" friends and I would have been unwelcomly intruding if I so much as wished them a good-morning.

    And Foal is definitely not going to stop loving you. She seems like a bright kid, and like you share interests, and like she wouldn't want to have less of you in her life.

    On the zebra front - Shower-based fainting is fucking horrible. May I recommend always having a towel on the floor so that if you have to you can lie down quickly and let it pass?

    Keep breathing, it's good for you.

  3. There's already been actual wisdom from other comments, so here's my half-arsed guesswork as an aside.

    A. 'I am not going into details but what she said has made me hate me so much.'

    B.'Here I have mrsinkys friends. And I cannot ask them to choose. It is clear when I talk to them she feels hurt so I shall stop doing that soon.'

    I cannot comment on whether your furious self loathing is warrented in part A-you understandably don't go into detail. I think there's a danger you might be carrying the guilt from A into B, cutting yourself off from mutual friends because it could hurt mrsinky even more. This is bollocks, they are separate, and other people can makeup their own fucking minds whether they want to speak to you or not.

    Finally, all border collies are at least as mad as a box of frogs, and thrive on 20+ miles a day exercise. Consider a sighthound, a great bunch of lads who'll exercise themselves by sprinting round you for 20 minutes a day, then flop around looking stylish. You can also refer to them as Gazehounds if you're feeling fey.

    Talk to you tomorrow.

  4. Labrador was what I had in mind.
    Self loathing not colouring interactions really. But its just another piece of self torn away.

  5. I'm just so pleased you're writing here again. Shit reason though. Off to hosp for yet another blood test or would write more. Take care, now. Carol x

  6. Labrador is a damn good choice, you have the approval of a random on the internet. They'd be a fine companion if you do go walkabout, just you try doing it without a Littlest Hobo theme earworm though.

    (Bugger me, small-talk is tricky in situations like this.
    'How's tricks, Inky? Still swirling in a maelstrom of personal hell?'
    'Yeah, yeah, still mustn't grumble.')

    Thinking of you occasionally.

  7. I do appreciate mostly's lightness of touch (verbally speaking).

    Inky, I hope you get into a stable place where a dog can be considered. Labs seem a settled breed, so a good choice. Though I am a cat person myself!

    Take good care.

  8. Just catching up. Wish I had something more to offer you than Internet hugs
