
Thursday 7 May 2015

Have you ever seen the rain coming down a sunny day?

So this morning I got up and voted, taking foal down to the station to show her what it was about.  My parents had always mystified this process so I thought get her involved.  Have you ever seen a representation of complete apathy and resignation?  That is what the democratic process looks like in foal land.
I am currently engaged in a sort of background battle on the subject of Eddington.  Eddington is currently a virtual Labrador.  I am hoping soon to find the correct eigenvalues to make Eddington an actual Labrador.  Mrsinky is not happy at the prospect andd Foal is indignantly demanding hat SHE gets a dog.  The point though would be that Eddington was my dog.  My friend.  Who can see me through 4am.  We shall see.  Unfortunately Labradors do not grow on trees round here.  they grow in other Labradors.  Which makes it harder to find them.
I also spent a considerable amount of time queueing.  This means that my hips are aflame.  Ipswich post office queue was 45 minutes.  I went in on a beautiful summers day.  I came out to a rainstorm that made ipswich look like minas morgul.  Well more like it anyway.
paterfamilii still abound.


  1. Eigenvalues? How characteristically radical of you.

    Eddington will know damn well that he is your dog, don't worry about that bit. Do ask owner's permission before looking inside Labs for him, however.

  2. Minas Morgul! Crikey things must be grim in East Anglia. Beware Ring Wraiths roaming the streets of Ipswich.

    Exit polls fill me with deep depression. Pah.
