
Tuesday 17 March 2015

I have torn everyone who reached out for me.

Oh here we go.  The argument with mr bigot earlier made me angry. I knew I was going to crash and I have.  I am now down and panicky.  babysitting foal.
so I made shot cross buns.
Which meant I had pastry left over.  So i invented the marzipiscuit.. 
Take pastry.  work into it loads of ground almonds and moisten it with golden syrup.  surprising how much syrup and almonds it takes.
roll out into a sausage, cut rings off.  put them on a baking tray then dib holes in them and fill with apple jelly. bake at 200c till done.
then have a panic attack.
Oh and did I mention my left hip and right shoulder have subluxed 5 times each today? 


  1. You poor bugger. Hope that the marzipiscuits make you feel slightly better.

    Everything is a complete bastard, and if there's any justice in the world that bloke will dislocate both shoulders doing a delt row and have to drive home with his hands going numb.

  2. Steal the beggar's wooden crutch and beat the monstrous fucknut at the Gym with it. I'm available if you need to subcontract this part-just let me know what snappy dialogue you'd like as I get Mr. Blonde on his ear.

  3. Good gracious!!! 'mostlyharmless'? I think not somehow ;)

    Inky do all your fabulous baking products get eaten? How can any household absorb so much deliciousness?

    Everything you cook is always so beautifully presented too (even down to the Emma Bridgewater china).


  4. Some gets composted. But the hutt helps clear up the scraps
